Great Manchester Run

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Bolton-based company, Barry Bennett Ltd., is helping Venture Arts field its biggest ever team for the Great Manchester Run.

Last year’s iconic event was cancelled due to Covid-19. This left us with a hole in our events fundraising target. We’re so pleased it’s back this year!

We now have a team of 19 (thanks to Venture Arts staff, artists and their family members, volunteers and supporters) doing the Great Manchester Run 10k, Half Marathon or Couch to 5k challenge!

In addition, our friends at Bolton-based Barry Bennett – the UK’s leading supplier of Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) assistive technology equipment – have almost doubled our runners to 35.

This makes Team Venture Arts 2021 the biggest we have ever had for the Great Manchester Run!

Huge thanks to everybody who is lining up to help raise sponsorship.

Funds raised will allow our artists to keep coming to Venture Arts in a Covid-safe way. We have had to reduce the daily capacity in the main studio, make significant changes to the space, and pay for ongoing extra cleaning and PPE equipment. We are now delivering our sessions across several spaces, and with social distancing in place, this requires more resources and increases our running costs.

Our original fundraising goal was to raise at least £4,000. Now, with Barry Bennett’s help, we’re confident that we can smash this target! This will help to provide the support our neurodiverse and learning disabled artists need and deserve!